Featuring Paulo Brito, Faculty Instructor, Management Department, 

Colorado State University, College of Business

April 2024

Paulo Brito is a recognized scholar and educator in the areas of business, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. He is presently a Faculty Instructor in the Management Department of Colorado’ State University’s College of Business where he instructs students in the areas of Entrepreneurship, Social and Sustainable venturing, and International Business. 

Prior to serving as a faculty instructor he earned a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Presbyterian Mackenzie University in Brazil, his home country. He continued his education and earned a M.S. in Environmental Science from the Universidade de Sao Paulo and an M.S. in Agricultural and Resource Economics from Colorado State University. 

Before he came to work at Colorado State University, Paulo Brito was the founder of a Brazilian chapter of a conservation focused non-profit which promotes collaborative conservation efforts worldwide. In this capacity he developed organizational structure and adapted international guidelines to be relevant to the Brazilian cultural setting. Through this work, Paulo developed and maintained key international and domestic partnerships, raised funds nationally and internationally, and planned events for the organization. 

In addition to his teaching and conservation efforts, Paulo Brito is an accomplished author. He has organized and contributed articles to two award winning books on the subject of faith, social, economic, and environmental synergies for sustainable development. He has co-authored and authored a number of scholarly articles and also served as a reviewer for various publications and journals on topics of business and the environment. 

Presently, he is focusing his research on business opportunities created by the bioeconomy. Paulo Brito’s work academically and professionally has been dedicated to sustainability and better environmental practices. He shares his expertise and passion not only to his students and readers, but also to his community.  

In addition to his environmental and academic audiences, he has served and collaborated with G.L.O.B.A.L. Justice and our environmental justice work, serving as a keynote speaker at our Earth Day Forum and also now as a G.L.O.B.A.L. Board Director. We are grateful for the work of Paulo Brito and his dedication to sustainable practices and grateful for his collaboration in  our efforts for environmental justice.